after-hours health care clinics

Have you heard about after hour health care clinics? Learn more about alternatives to emergency room care.

after-hours health care clinics

Signs That You May Be Suffering From Sleep Apnea

27 January 2017
, Blog

It is vital that you are well-versed in the signs of a sleep disorder such as sleep apnea. This way, should you believe that you may have it, you will know that you need to quickly get in contact with the the proper health care professional in order to have testing done. After all, sleep apnea can be a very serious disorder when there is no treatment plan in place. It could lead to death if it gets bad enough
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Teens Need Checkups, Too: 4 Reasons Your Teens Need Their Well-Child Checkups

6 January 2017
 Categories: , Blog

If you've got teens, you might think your time of annual well-child checkups are over. However, that's not true. Your teen is going through a lot of changes. If you're not taking them in for their annual checkups, you're missing out on the opportunity to identify potential problems. Don't take chances with your teenager's health. Here are four reasons they need to have their annual checkups. Identify Possible Dietary Problems
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Three Foot Conditions That Can Be Caused By Poorly Fitting Shoes

5 October 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Wearing shoes that don't fit properly can leave you with temporary problems like sore feet or blisters, but the wrong shoes can also cause longer lasting foot conditions. Here are three foot conditions that can be caused by poorly fitting shoes. Bunions Wearing the wrong type of shoes can contribute to the formation of bunions, which are bony lumps on the sides of your big toes. These bumps can make your toes hurt or make it hard for you to find shoes, so it's important to try to prevent them.
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Steps You Can Take When Your Child Is Struggling In School

4 August 2016
 Categories: , Blog

When you have a child who is having trouble in school and is getting grades that are unsatisfactory, you may find yourself wondering what the issue could possibly be. While it can be easy to jump to all types of conclusions about your child's poor school performance, this may not be to your or your child's benefit. Get to know some of the steps that you can take to get to the bottom of the issue and figure out how you can help your child improve and do better going forward.
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Three Things Olympic Tourists Need To Know About Typhoid Fever

2 August 2016
 Categories: , Blog

International travel exposes you to many diseases that aren't a problem at home in the United States. While you've probably heard that Zika is a concern for Olympic tourists, you can contract many other diseases in Brazil, including typhoid fever. Here are three things Olympic tourists need to know about typhoid fever. What is typhoid fever? Typhoid fever is a serious foodborne illness that's caused by Salmonella typhi, a type of bacteria.
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after-hours health care clinics

These days, when someone gets hurt or sick after the typical doctor's hours, there isn't as much of a need to go to the emergency room. There are after hour health care clinics popping up everywhere to allow you to get the healthcare that you need without the high cost of emergency room care. These facilities offer many of the same diagnostic treatments as the emergency room does, but you aren't stuck with a high bill in the end. Find out more about after hour health care clinics here on our blog. We will show you what can be treated and tell you when to go straight to the ER instead.
